Best Online Casino Gambling

We have all Gambled

By Adam

I bet you that we've all gambled at some point in our lives.

Why do we gamble? Its only fun when you're winning, like most things. I don't think that buzz comes from the risk of losing, it's more about the possibilities of gaining more and therefore becoming more powerful than the man next to you.

We love to watch small men ride on the back of horses and argue about who will run round the course the fastest. I'm sure the horses love it too? They wouldn't want to let me down, I've just bet my kids college money on them. On a complete stranger, that's a lot of trust. I can almost taste the champagne on my tongue right now, and as I swallow feel it run down my throat, coating it with glory. Thesy approach the home straight and my heart skips a beat, the first time I ever felt that was when I first saw my future wife. It doesn't happen anymore, only when I gamble. My horse is way behind the rest but I haven't lost faith, I can't lose faith. The horse comes in third. I get nothing for third; you either win or lose. There is no in-between.

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Watching the dogs' race is the same as horses really, just a lot faster; you have no time to think about what you've just done. Fruit machines are always fun, in the life of gambling this is just a small time gamble to fill the gaps in-between all my genius predictions that will propel my depression into attention

Money is the most popular way to gamble, but kids aren't allowed to do that, so instead they create their own games known as dares. I bet you understand what I'm talking about? As a child I was dared to climb to an impossible height up a tree. If I could do it I would win some silly toy, but the main drive of this dare was to prove people wrong. The higher I got the better it felt, but the higher I got the branches got thinner. I couldn't do it, I was lucky not to fall on my way down. I didn't want to get hurt, didn't want to go to far into the unknown for the sake of something that is not a necessity. I don't think that way anymore.



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